Support New Yorkers in Need Now
Your donation supports all of S:US’ services—work that addresses systemic injustice, bias, and social stigma that unfairly impact many vulnerable communities.
- On any given night, S:US provides housing and shelter to more than 4,500 individuals and families.
- Each year, S:US provides housing and support services for 37,000+ individuals and families in NYC and on Long Island.
- S:US’ housing programs—180 buildings and 1,000+ additional apartments—as well as clinics and treatment centers span 60+ neighborhoods.
Making a Direct Impact through a Vast Array of Services
For over 40 years S:US has supported New Yorkers in need, helping them break down barriers to build the life they envision for themselves.
Supporting individuals and families with:
- Safe environments that promote independent living
- Tools to move beyond diagnosis and stigma
- A steady and growing pipeline of permanent affordable housing
Homeless Services
Supporting individuals and families with:
- Anti-eviction assistance
- Pathways to housing and employment
- Care management for people living on the streets
Behavioral Health Services
Supporting individuals with:
- Care coordination
- Treatment services
- Recovery services
Veterans Services
Supporting individuals and families with:
- Supportive services for veteran families
- Education to employment
- Employment services
- Homeless outreach
Developmental Disabilities Services
Supporting individuals to:
- Live with dignity and receive services in the community of their choice
- Build, deepen, and enjoy social connections through productive community participation
- Direct their own lives and experience life to their fullest potential
Urban Farms
Supporting individuals with:
- Therapeutic horticulture
- Nutritional programming
- Employment opportunities
Home Means…
“Being in a community where people get along and everybody’s connected. In my building, we have a lot of great programs where everyone can be together.”
– Jeffery
Home Means…
“To be with family and friends. New York is my home. I have learned how to be out on my own here and enjoy the culture of New York.”
– Rauly
Home Means…
“Being cared for, and feeling happy and safe.”
– Shaida
Home Means…
“A place of peace, love and family. I love everything about New York. My family is here… My whole life is here.”
– Kimberly